May 4, 2020, I tried two new products, and one old product in my wash-n-go regimen today. My hair is probably considered short at this point because I have left the TWA stage.
I should now be sectioning my hair to detangle and apply product, but I don’t yet. When stretched, the back goes a little past my shoulder and the front goes to the tip of my nose. I believe my hair hasn't grown much between October 24, 2019 - May 4, 2020 because I have really been stressed, and COVID19 didn’t help the situation.
I don’t know if I will ever see length because as I have said before, I sweat in my head, unfortunately. Most people with this issue would probably get a relaxer, which is the very reason my mom gave me one when I was a preteen. She would press my hair, then about an hour later, it would be fuzzy again. I don’t mind too much because I still enjoy taking care of my hair. I don’t want long hair anyway because I get so hot. If I can get it to my neck without shrinkage, I will be happy.
I have found products that give me about a week with a wash-n-go without adding more product. My hair loves wash-n-go’s over any other style, so I’m sticking with it.
First, I used TGIN Moisture Rich Sulfate Free Shampoo. I loved the way my hair felt after using this shampoo. I could tell my hair was clean, but it didn’t feel stripped of moisture. The price wasn’t too expensive since I didn’t have to use a lot for it to lather. I will be using this shampoo in my rotation.
Next, I used TGIN Honey Miracle Hair Mask. My hair loves honey and it helps keep my hair moisturized because honey is a humectant. When I first applied it, I thought, “I don’t like the way this feels.” It was creamy but seemed to have just a little texture. As I worked it into my hair my mind started to change. I could feel it detangling my hair and my large tooth comb almost glided through my hair. I ended up having less shedding. I’m liking this mask.
Finally, I used Cantu Define and Shine Custard in place of both my other gels (I have used this before). It has a runny consistency and a really nice smell. I made sure my hair was soaking wet because gels work better on my hair when I do this. There are less problems with flaking. I usually use two gels together because they keep my hair from reverting so fast, since I sweat in my head. My hair feels hard, but not excessively, and my style lasts about a week.
Now I know why I stopped using Cantu Define and Shine Custard. Flakes, flakes and more flakes!! My hair rebelled this gel so bad. I had great curl definition, though. Once my hair dried, it was very hard, and when I tried to fluff, my hair wouldn’t move. I had big flakes all the way down my curls. Ughh! Throwing this away so I will never use it again because my hair hates it.