I write this post today not to offend you, but to find a way to make better natural hair products. It has been 2 years and I am finally frustrated with trying products that either do not work on my hair, or cause flakes.
Is there anyone that cares enough about black natural hair to create products that work for at least most black hair textures? I have fine textured, low porosity hair that does not like creams, products that contain milk, or products that contain protein.
It seems that those who do create products, create them based on what works with their hair. Just my observations and opinions. How about using a focus group where you try your products on different textures? If you have tried this, then I do not know what the answer is. If you are trying to create the best products, then please keep trying. We need you.
I truly believe some companies do care, but the result is the same. I find myself asking, why is it so hard to make products for our hair that don’t flake?
Am I the only one disappointed with black natural hair products? If I find a gel that works, then it makes my hair hard and crunchy. If I find a leave-in that works, then it causes the gel to flake. I cannot use a whole line of any brand. I am forced to mix and match brands as you will find in my current wash day regimen. This is the best wash day regimen I have been able to use with very little flaking.
I am reaching out today to anyone that might have answers. If so, please leave me a comment or go to the Contact page on the website to leave an email.
Current Wash Day Regimen
1) Wash hair with TGIN Moisture Rich Sulfate Free Shampoo
2) Apply TGIN Honey Miracle Hair Mask (rinse in cold water)
Mist (clear, not creamy)
4) Apply Aloe Vera Gel
5) Apply Argan oil
6) Apply Camille Rose Curl Maker (works best on wet hair)
7) Finger rake hair in sections
8) Let hair air dry
** Macadamia Healing Oil Spray 1-2 times during the week (gives my hair moisture)